miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Audiolingualism (Audio-lingual method).


Tomorrow me and my parters will explain to our class mates the second topic of the book Learning and Teaching English: A course book for Teachers.

This method works in a similar way like the old audio tapes that years ago people used to learn other languages. These tapes repeated again and again phrases in the target language and the learner should repeat what the tape said. With this method the students can learn the grammar only talking in the target language (in this case, English) exclusively repeating patterns, using drills and repetitions that can change the sentence pattern.

The exercise that I will work tomorrow is based on using sentences with a subject, a verb (action) and a place that change when the teacher (in this case me) decides to change one term. The students repeat the sentence and, by themselves, they change it when the teacher uses a new term. For example:

Me: The lion is eating meat in the jungle.
(now they repeat the sentence)
Me: "in the house."
(now the students say: "The lion is eating meat in the house")
Me: "My father."
(now the students say: "My father is eating meat at home")
Me: "reading a book."
(now the students say: "My father is reading a book at home")

I hope that all of you will enjoy with our presentation.

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